LAP – National Safe Parents Organization – Nova denúncia contra o Brasil na imprensa internacional.

A National Safe Parents Organization (, renomada entidade de direitos humanos, denuncia o uso da alienação parental como estratégia de defesa, mundialmente utilizada por pais violentos e/ou abusadores. Infelizmente, mais uma vez, o Brasil está no centro dessas denúncias por possuir a única lei no mundo a validar essa pseudociência.

Trecho da reportagem, com menção expressa ao Brasil:

“UN experts urge the new government to target violence against women and girls, repeal parental alienation law: “Today we call on the newly elected Government of Brazil to strengthen its resolve to end violence against women and girls, and we call for the end of the legal long-standing application of the concept of parental alienation and similar variations in cases of domestic violence and abuse, which penalize mothers and children in Brazil.” — Brazil: UN experts urge new government to target violence against women and girls, repeal parental alienation law (November 4, 2022)

Brazil is the only country in the world that has a Federal law specifically ruling on the concept of parental alienation and the Brazilian government is resistant to repeal such a law despite the recommendations from its National Council of Health and National Council of Human Rights demanding the repeal of the Parental Alienation Law and the ban of the terms parental alienation and parental alienation syndrome”.

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Cláudia Galiberne Ferreira
Advogada em Santa Catarina, pós-graduada em Direito Processual Civil pela CESUSC/Florianópolis-SC. Coautora de diversos livros e artigos jurídicos.
Artigos: 306