Manifestação da Relatora Especial da ONU, Dra. Reem Alsalem – “Call for input to the report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls to the HRC Forms of sex-based violence against women and girls: new frontiers and emerging issues”.

Há muito perseguida por seus posicionamentos em defesa dos direitos de mulheres e meninas vítimas de violência, a Relatora Especial da ONU, Dra. Reem Alsalem, manifestou-se nas redes sociais a respeito dos recentes ataques e do boicote ao seu trabalho, com enormes prejuízos àquelas que busca proteger.

Abaixo a íntegra da manifestação:

“I take this opportunity to remind all stakeholders that the deadline for submitting input to my forthcoming report that I will present at hashtag#HRC59 session in June 2025 on “Forms of sex-based violence against women and girls: new frontiers and emerging issues” is fast approaching and is the 30th of January 2025.

It has come to my attention that a letter, spearheaded by two international NGOs, is being circulated among stakeholders, calling on them not to respond to my call for inputs for my thematic report due to the allegedly troubling way I raise/frame the issues

It is regrettable that certain organizations, which position themselves as champions of human rights and feminism, have chosen to engage in a campaign to undermine the independent work of a UN-appointed rapporteur because they disagree with the mandate-holder’s positions. Such actions are antithetical to the principles that these organizations purport to uphold and are part of an intolerable pattern of direct and indirect incitement against, pressure on, and interference with my mandate and the broader integrity of the system of special procedures of the Human Rights Council.

Any organization that has engaged with special procedures over time are well aware that their advocacy for respect towards mandate-holders can only be credible if applied across the board. Selectivity, including boycott attempts and other incitements to disengage, is anything but principled. If anything, it exposes double standards, hypocrisy and intolerance towards anyone whose views differ from their own – a symptom of the toxic “us versus them” mentality that seeks not to engage, but to vilify and silence. As stated by the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures last year, disagreements should be evidence-based and expressed in a respectful and constructive way instead of resorting to disparaging personal remarks and attacks.

To conclude, I wish to emphasize that my approach to this report – as with previous ones – remains inclusive and impartial. I welcome and encourage input from all stakeholders, irrespective of their stance on the questions contained in the call for input. I will invite stakeholders with diverse perspectives to take part in online consultations to discuss constructively some of the complex issues that the report will raise. Stakeholders who may disagree with the framing or content of any of the questions are invited to articulate their concerns, either in writing and/or during the consultations. As always, written contributions will be published after the report is released, unless submitting organizations and individuals request that they remain confidential.

Thank you very much to all those that have already contributed or are planning to do so.


Para maiores informações acesse:

Imagem padrão
Cláudia Galiberne Ferreira
Advogada em Santa Catarina, pós-graduada em Direito Processual Civil pela CESUSC/Florianópolis-SC. Coautora de diversos livros e artigos jurídicos.
Artigos: 306