“Into the Light Index”- Childlight Global Child Safety Institute e a violência contra crianças. Pesquisa global.

O “Into the Light Index” é o resultado de uma ampla pesquisa desenvolvida pela Instituto Childlight, da Universidade de Edimburgo, onde foram coletados dados globais a respeito da exploração sexual de crianças (Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA)), com atenção especial no uso da internet e suas plataformas para a concretização desse abuso.

Os achados são assustadores e, nas palavras de seus organizadores, trata-se de uma epidemia de saúde a nível mundial:

“Indeed, our findings are stark:

  • OCSEA is prevalent in every country where it is measured
  • 300 million+ children under the age of 18 have been affected by online child sexual exploitation and abuse in the last 12 months
  • 1 in 8 children globally have been subjected to online solicitation in the last 12 months, such as unwanted sexual talk, which can include non-consensual sexting, unwanted sexual questions and unwanted sexual act requests by adults or other youths
  • 1 in 8 children have experienced non-consensual taking, sharing and/or exposure to sexual images and videos in the last 12 months
  • 11% of men in the United States, 7% of men in the UK and 7.5% of men in Australia report that they have engaged in online behaviours at some point in their lifetime that could be classed as online child sexual abuse offending

The numbers are huge. But behind every number is a child. Children across families, communities and schools, online and in person. Indeed, some of you reading this report are likely to be survivors of abuse yourselves.

Because of this scale, we believe that CSEA should be treated like a global pandemic. We see the change that can be made quickly, and how countries and organisations can come together, when there is a worldwide health emergency such as AIDS or COVID-19. A public health approach to not just responding to but preventing CSEA is required; we owe that to our children”.

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Cláudia Galiberne Ferreira
Advogada em Santa Catarina, pós-graduada em Direito Processual Civil pela CESUSC/Florianópolis-SC. Coautora de diversos livros e artigos jurídicos.
Artigos: 301